
After some research about scorpions i learned few interesting facts about scorpions in general and also about Louie.

Louie's is part of the Euscorpius Family, and i am still trying to figure out which exactly.
My best bet is that his type is Euscorpius Flavicaudis, and that he is a male ( thank god, i didn't want to change his name to Louise) I still have to get the final answer by pros.

I also found out that scorpions have a Median Eye, ( third eye) for hunting. Some say it also runs some ultraviolet reception. It projects partial images onto the retina.Interesting.
(you can see Louie's on his head, that little dark hole like thingie in the middle)

Another interesting fact about their hunting method is that they sense the prey from the change of air in the area. Some signal is sent to their minds and they turn into killing machines.

I am off to buy some tiny crickets for Louie. More from Louie's life coming soon.


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