Meet Louie

is my new friend from France. He is a quiet type, mostly resting in dark, under rocks and leaves. He comes from a French province called Ardeche ( from around here i think) from a house of my boss this summer. Apparently there is lots living around there, mostly small desert type ones. He is about 4 cm long ( inch and a half ) and when he fully opens; his arms and tail, he is about 10 cm long.

After the boss brought him to me I decided to take Louie with me for my travels. He ended up traveling the north of France, then busing to Prague, Czech rep., then to Bratislava in Slovakia and back to Paris, where he took the plane with me to Vancouver. He is an illegal immigrant, but don't tell anyone...

He seemed to adjust quite well to the traveling and living in a smaller glass jar, he was catching flies like crazy and with no problems. It looked that he was quite happy to have food delivered to his mouth. I just need to figure out what i will feed him in Canada for the winter, but my sister will help me out.
More from Louie's life soon.

<- find Louie


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